Content funnels, or sales funnels, are a marketing strategy designed to guide potential clients through carefully crafted content that leads them to take action, such as purchasing or signing up for a service. 

The psychology behind content funnels is critical to understanding how to create effective funnels that convert leads to customers.

In this article from our eCommerce experts, we will explore the psychology of content funnels and provide psychological hacks to take clients from awareness to action:

Understanding the Psychology of Content Funnels

The psychology of content funnels revolves around understanding the stages of the buyer’s journey. The buyer’s journey consists of three important stages, which are awareness, consideration, and decision. Each step requires a unique approach to content creation and marketing tactics.

The awareness stage is when potential clients become aware of a problem they must solve. At this stage, they are not yet considering any particular solutions. The consideration stage is when potential clients consider different solutions to their problems. Finally, the decision stage is when potential clients decide which solution to choose.

The psychology of content funnels is about creating content that speaks to each stage of the buyer’s journey. At the awareness stage, the content should educate potential clients on the problem and the possible solutions. At the consideration stage, the content should highlight the solutions’ benefits and why they are the best option. At the decision stage, the content should focus on convincing potential clients to take action and choose your solution.

Psychological Hacks to Take Clients from Awareness to Action

1. Use Social Proof

Social proof refers to a psychological phenomenon where people are likelier to take action if they see others doing it. In content funnels, social proof can be used to show potential clients that others have already taken the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. This can be achieved by including testimonials, case studies, or user reviews in the content.

2. Create a Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is among the most powerful psychological hacks to encourage potential clients to take action. This can be achieved by using phrases such as “limited time offer” or “only a few spots left.” By creating a sense of urgency, potential clients are more likely to take action now rather than later.

3. Use Emotional Appeals

Emotional appeals are a powerful psychological tool that can be used to create a connection with potential clients. By tapping into their emotions, you can develop a sense of empathy and trust. This can be achieved by using storytelling, personal anecdotes, or relatable scenarios in the content.

4. Provide Value

Providing value is the key to creating content that resonates with potential clients. By providing valuable information or resources, you can establish yourself as an industry authority and gain potential clients’ trust. This can be achieved by creating educational content, offering free resources, or providing helpful tips and advice.

5. Use Simple Language

Using simple language is another psychological hack to create content that is easy to understand and digest. By avoiding jargon or technical terms, you can ensure that potential clients understand the content and are more likely to take action. This can be achieved by using simple language, breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms, and using visuals to illustrate key points.


As our eCommerce experts discussed, the psychology of content funnels is critical to creating effective marketing strategies that convert leads to customers. By understanding the stages of the buyer’s journey and using psychological hacks such as social proof, creating a sense of urgency, using emotional appeals, providing value, and using simple language, you can take clients from awareness to action. By crafting content that speaks to each stage of the buyer’s journey, you can create a marketing strategy that resonates with potential customers and delivers results.

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About the Author Emily Brewer

Emily Brewer is a marketing expert known for her expertise in direct response, Facebook advertising, copywriting, and creative strategy. She began her career as a copywriter and quickly rose through the ranks to become a sought-after consultant and speaker in the industry.

Brewer is known for her ability to break down complex concepts and make them easily understandable for her audience. Her approach is practical, actionable and she always provide a lot of examples. She is passionate about helping business owners and marketers achieve their goals through effective marketing campaigns.

With over a decade of experience in the industry, Brewer has helped countless businesses and individuals achieve success through her proven strategies and tactics. She is a respected authority in the field and continues to be a leading voice in the world of marketing and advertising.

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