Bidding on Facebook Ads is an important part of achieving success. The decisions you make, such as whether to use cost or bid caps, can greatly affect the results of your campaign. These decisions affect how many people see your ads, the quality of your audience, and how much you pay for them. Taking the time to make the right choices can have a major impact on your success and can help you continue to grow your campaign in the future.

That said, if you’re looking to make the most out of your bidding strategies, here are some strategies you need to know:

1. The Cost Per Result Strategy

The Cost Per Result bidding strategy on Facebook Ads is a way to make sure your average cost for acquiring customers is hitting your target cost. You can set a certain CPA goal, such as $3, and then Facebook will bid on placements that are higher quality, potentially up to $5 or higher, as long as the overall CPA is still around your target. This allows you to acquire more customers while controlling your total acquisition costs.

2. The Highest Volume Strategy

This bidding strategy is focused on getting the most conversions within your budget by initially targeting the cheaper ones. After obtaining those, it then focuses on obtaining the more expensive conversions.

Note that if you have an unrestricted budget, your cost-per-action will have no upper limit. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, Facebook utilizes the optimal bid to maximize the number of conversions you get while still adhering to your budget.

3. The Bid Cap Strategy

With Bid Cap, Facebook will show your ads to users who are most likely to complete the desired action as long as the cost of the ad does not exceed the maximum amount you specified.

Remember that Facebook will not show your ad to anyone if it costs more than the amount you have set as your bid cap. They will prioritize showing your ad to people who are most likely to click on it and cost less than the bid cap, and gradually increase the cost of the potential viewers until they reach the bid cap.

4. The Highest Value Strategy

Bidding for the highest value doesn’t necessarily equate to a higher return on ad spend, but it does often track with higher ROAS. Although these customers are more expensive to acquire, they tend to be more likely to purchase and spend more than other customers. In the long run, this makes up for the increased acquisition cost.

Be aware that when bidding on a smaller segment of users, you may have fewer people competing for their attention. However, due to the lower number of users, it may be more difficult to reach your desired audience as the competition will be more intense.


These are just some strategies you can follow when bidding with Facebook Ads. Keep in mind that the strategies mentioned here may or may not be the best for your needs, so take the time to understand what your current situation is and what kind of budget you have to work with. That way, you can figure out the best bidding strategy that gives you the maximum return on investment.

Funnel Insiders helps businesses enhance their paid ads strategies, offering guides, tutorials, and more. If you are looking for the best Facebook Ad strategy, check out how we can help!

About the Author Emily Brewer

Emily Brewer is a marketing expert known for her expertise in direct response, Facebook advertising, copywriting, and creative strategy. She began her career as a copywriter and quickly rose through the ranks to become a sought-after consultant and speaker in the industry.

Brewer is known for her ability to break down complex concepts and make them easily understandable for her audience. Her approach is practical, actionable and she always provide a lot of examples. She is passionate about helping business owners and marketers achieve their goals through effective marketing campaigns.

With over a decade of experience in the industry, Brewer has helped countless businesses and individuals achieve success through her proven strategies and tactics. She is a respected authority in the field and continues to be a leading voice in the world of marketing and advertising.

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